Our Facilities


The Mosman Swim Centre features a 6-lane 25m indoor heated pool with a depth range of 1.2m – 1.6m. The pool also includes a water feature and recreation area, as well as a full disabled access via a ramp and submergible wheelchair.


As a progressive and innovative company, BlueFit is at the forefront of water quality management and implements industry-leading initiatives to improve the standard of the aquatic environment for the community. Our highly skilled and experienced staff go to great lengths to ensure our water is monitored and maintained to the highest standards at all times. Our testing regime goes above and beyond the state government and industry requirements to ensure we provide the best quality swimming environment at all times.

Testing is conducted a minimum of 5 times per day across all water bodies, in addition, BlueFit has independent microbiological lab testing conducted each month. This is our commitment to providing an enjoyable and safe swimming environment.


Royal Life Saving is targeting high-risk areas for toddler drowning deaths such as public pools. With lack of direct supervision by a parent or carer believed to be a contributing factor in 70% of all drowning deaths at public pools, the Keep Watch @ Public Pools program aims to eliminate all drowning deaths and reduce the number of near-drowning incidents at these facilities.

The program targets parents and carers of children to help them understand their responsibilities and the dangers of leaving their children unattended at the pool.

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