Mental Health Awareness Month – October 2022

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Please be advised that the following contains a conversation on mental health and may evoke emotional distress.

October is National Mental Health Awareness Month here in Australia.

National Mental Health Awareness Month is a campaign run by the Mental Health Foundation Australia (MHFA). MHFA is Australia’s oldest not-for-profit, non-governmental health organisation.

Each year MHFA dedicates a theme to represent Mental Health Awareness Month. This year’s theme is ‘Building Resilience: Communities and Connections’.

What is mental health, and why does it matter?

The World Health Organisation has defined mental health as “a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, to realise their abilities, to learn well and work well, and to contribute to their communities.”

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, many are still left feeling isolated.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), there was a 25% increase in anxiety and depression within the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following are some statistics from the WHO’s 2022 Report – World Mental Health Report: Transforming Mental Health for All:

  • Suicide accounts for 1 in 100 deaths globally.
  • 1 in 8 live with a mental health condition.
  • In 2019, 970 million people globally were living with a mental disorder.

This month MHFA has organised a range of events. To view these and more on Mental Health Month, click here.

What can we do to help improve our mental health?
It is recommended that the following activities may help with our mental health:

  • Get Active! Start exercising regularly.
  • Create a healthy routine – this includes a sleeping pattern.
  • Eat healthy, regular meals & stay hydrated.
  • Try a relaxing activity.
  • Set goals.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Stay connected – by creating a supportive network.


Support Networks:
If you or you know anyone who needs to speak to someone for professional help speak to your GP or contact the following support networks:

Beyond Blue
1300 224 636

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