Squad Requirements and Expectations


It is important that our squad swimmers are coming to each and every session prepared to optimise their session time. Can we please ask that swimmers are coming to each squad sessions with their kit bag which includes and drink bottle and fins. Swimmers in Bronze Squad should also have a pull buoy as part of their kit bag.

It is also important for Squad swimmers to remember that part of being in Bronze or Mini means that they are demonstrating good squad etiquette. This includes:

  • Arriving at sessions before the start time to read the set
  • Spending a few minutes before class to do their activations
  • Listening to the coach during set explanations
  • Taking responsibility for their swimming by applying corrections at every opportunity they get
  • Demonstrating correct starts, turns and finishes on every single lap
  • Using the PACE clock to know when to start each lap
  • Respecting the squad coach throughout the whole session

We are in the final stages of creating our perfecting coaching team and we will be in touch with all of our squad parents once this is completed. Thank you so much for your patience while we create a coaching team to take squads to next level!

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